Fabulamundi was a program that had the main goal to promote new Romanian dramaturgy in Europe and new European dramaturgy in Romania. The project's strategy wass based on training all components of the performance through residencies, playwriting workshops, stage presentations, own productions and participation in festivals. The two partners from Romania were The University of Arts Târgu Mureș and Odeon Theatre. Due to the specificity of its activity, the University of Arts was a basic partner in this project, thanks to the existence of the master's degree in dramatic writing, but also the involvement of the students of the other master's degrees, in acting, directing, theatrology, as well as through the existence of the Studio Theatre, a creative and experimental laboratory artistically, together with the Studio International Theatre Festival.


The Transylvanian Playwriting Camp is part of a long-term collaboration project with the Lark Play Development Center in New York, during which the playwriting camp in Târgu-Mureș are held alternately with the visit to New York of students and teaching staff from the University of Arts, with the aim of promoting new dramatic texts. Thus, a platform for collaboration and professional development is created for playwrights, through translations, creative workshops, readings, performances and publications.