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Dramaturgy of Dance and Movement

International conference of Theatre Studies - 25th Edition


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08.30—09.00 – Registration of participants

09.00-09.10 – Welcome speech, Professor Sorin-Ion Crișan, Rector University of Arts Târgu Mureș

09.10 – 10.20: Session 1, chair Sabin Sabados
09.10-09.20: KÖLLŐ Csongor - The Bodymind Connection: Asian Practices and the Transformation of Western Theatre (language of presentation: English)
09.20-09.30: PATKÓ Éva - Onnagata Role within Kabuki Theatre - Movement, Grace, Precision (language of presentation: English)
09.30-09.40: Traian PENCIUC - Dancing Deities: Hierophany and the Creation of Transformative Spaces in Tibetan Cham Dance (language of presentation: Romanian)
09.40-09.50: Andrei-Călin ZAMFIRESCU - Om Namah Shivaya. The Choreographic, Aesthetic and Cosmological Attributes of the Hindu God Shiva as Nataraja or Lord of Dance (language of presentation: Romanian)
09.50-10.00: Angela PRECUP - A Journalistic Incursion into the Musical and Choreographic Tradition of Târgu Mureș  (language of presentation: Romanian)
10.00: 10.10: Lia Codrina CONȚIU - The Rhythm of Contrasts in “As You Like It” by W. Shakespeare (language of presentation: Romanian) 
10.10- 10.25 – Discussion

 10.25-10.40 – Coffee break

10.40-11.55 – Session 2, chair PATKÓ Éva
10.40-10.50: TOMPA Andrea - Lili Raubinek: Respect to the 23.000(language of presentation: Hungarian)
10.50-11.00: Anda CADARIU -  "The Gala Experiment" - How to Do Things Without Words (language of presentation: English)
11.00-11.10: Raluca BLAGA - “DaDaDans” - a Unique Performance in the Romanian Theater Landscape of the 90s (language of presentation: Romanian)
11.10-11.20: ALBERT Mária - A Circle of Power. A Traditional Romanian Dance on a Hungarian Stage (language of presentation: English)
11.20-11.30: Laurențiu BLAGA - Gigi Căciuleanu and his Four Choreographic Theater Productions in Târgu Mureș (language of presentation: Romanian)
11.30-11.40: GYÖRGY Andrea: Júlia and Julieta. Mihai Măniuțiu: “Julieta” (language of presentation: Hungarian)
11.40-11.55 –  Discussion
11.55-12.10 – Coffee break

12.10-13.25 – Session 3, chair Traian PENCIUC
12.10-12.20: Ricardo Moreno Garrido - La danse de l’acteur et actrice (language of presentation: French)
12.20-12.30: NAGY Imola -  (Re)search in Movement (language of presentation: Hungarian)
12.30-12.40: ADAMOVICH Ferenc Tamás - Paradigm Shift in Dance: a Scientific Approach to Movement(language of presentation: Hungarian)
12.40-12.50: Andreea BELU - Body for Movement/  Movement for the Body  within the Spectacle of the Social Present (language of presentation: English)
12.50-13.00: Cristina Maria OLAR - Body as Story: Dance as a Form of Emotional and Physical Narrative (language of presentation: Romanian)
13.00-13.10: GYÖRGYJAKAB Enikő - The Practice of Reorganization: Movement Composition (language of presentation: Hungarian)
13.10-13.25 – Discussion

13.25-14.40 – Lunch break

14.40-15.45 – Session 4, chair ALBERT Mária
14.40-14.50: Catalina Florina FLORESCU - “Classrooms like Open Spaces to Dance and Educate Freely” (language of presentation: English)
14.50-15.00: Marcela Livia DAN - Painting with the Body (language of presentation: Romanian)
15.00-15.10: Traian MOLDOVAN - Dynamic Convergence Photography. The Masks of Suffering (language of presentation: Romanian)
15.10-15.20: Cezar BULIGA - The dance between Photography and Dance (language of presentation: Romanian)
15.20-15.30: BEZSÁN Noémi - The Influence of the Avant-garde Theater on the Dramaturgy of Dance Theater - move to afternoon (language of presentation: Hungarian)
15.30-15.45 – Discussion
 15.45- 16.00 – Coffee break

16.00-17.15 – Session 5, chair Raluca BLAGA
 16.00-16.10: BOROS Csaba - The Philosophical Attributes of Dance Dramaturgy. Board Game with Sound and Movement Remnants (language of presentation: Hungarian)
16.10-16.20: SZILVESZTER László Szilárd - Movement, Dance, and Sacredness in Zsófia Balla's Pre-Regime Change Poetry (language of presentation: Hungarian)
16.20-16.30: ELEKES Márta-Adrienne - Following Schubert with The Journey company (language of presentation: Hungarian)
16.30-16.40: Adriana Ioana ISPAS - The Expression of Movement in the Performing Arts from the Perspective of Chinese Culture (language of presentation: Romanian)
16.40-16.50: Alexandra MAGAZIN - The Theatre of the Absurd and 20th-Century Music in “Krapp, ou La dernière bande” by Samuel Beckett and Marcel Mihalovici (language of presentation: Romanian)
16.50-17.05 – Discussion

19.00: Studio Theatre - Radio Nostalgia. Coreography: Fehér Ferenc. Dancers: Berencsy Martin, Dull Bence, Fazakas Hunor, Flór Máté Gellért, Jánosi Botond, Kitay Levent, Torner Anna (duration: 50 mins).