International Conference of Theatre Studies
University of Arts from Tirgu-Mures began to organize the International Conference of Theatre Studies in 2000. Since its first edition, that included only 12 participants, Theatre Studies International Conference evolved into an international event that reunited in Tirgu-Mures academics from three continents (Nord-American, Australia, Europe) and 20 countries (Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, U.S.A., Slovenia, Sweden, Tunisia).
The various themes advanced for research regarded general aspects of theatre (Text and performance; Literality and Theatricality; Public, experience, receiving; Theatre: The Role in Theatre - cultural and psychosocial landmarks; Dramaturgy of the Stage; Theatre: from secret to confession; The Utopia of Theatre and the Forms of Stage (Re)Construction; Vanishing Point in Theatre), theatre history (Theatre and History – The Actuality of the Past; Document and Performance; When Theatre Meets Devising or Collective Creation; Shakespeare: own and foreign), innovation and theatre (Multimedia and innovation in theatre; The Art of Theatre at the Beginning of the Millennium), education and theatre (Theatre: institution, creation, development. European theatre's alternatives in 21st century; Theatre and theatrical education; Theatre directing European Schools), Romanian theatre history (Theatre during Communism Dictatorship), national and Romanian born theatre-authors (Theatre before and after 1989. 100 years since the birth of Tompa Miklós; The challenge of the Absurd. Ionesco yesterday and today), theatre - intercultural and interethnic perspectives (Theatre - Art - Culture. Intercultural and interethnic perspectives).
International Conference of Theatre Studies offers an academic environment for teachers, researchers, anthropologists, artists, students, people in the cultural field and all those who think they can enter into a dialogue in relation to every year’s proposed topic. The conference is held in sections, English, French, Romanian and Hungarian. A Scientific Committee selects the papers that participate in the conference. Papers accepted through the peer-review system are published in the Symbolon, an academic journal published by UArtPress under the auspices of the University of Arts in Tîrgu Mureș. The journal has been published in print (ISSN 1582-327X) and online (ISSN 2344-4460) since 2000. Symbolon journal publishes peer-reviewed reviews, articles, and studies that cover a variety of theatre and arts issues, film and media, music, encouraging multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. It is indexed in CEEOL, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ERIC + and classified in B category by CNCS.